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Reliable Financial Statement Audit Services in Middle Tennessee

无论您是想查明财务报表中重大错报的来源,还是帮助您的利益相关者做出更明智的决策, financial statement audits are an effective tool. 至关重要的是,您需要一个值得信赖的第三方来进行审计,以确保结果是公正的,并且处理得当.

At Blankenship CPA Group, PLLC我们为中小企业提供专业的财务审计服务. Our team adheres to strict generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) to deliver complete assurance in our findings. 我们期待着与您会面,并为您提供您需要的财务清晰度,以便您对公司做出自信的决策. Call us today for your free initial consultation!

Call: (615) 992-9222 Book a Consultation

Why Trust Our Firm for Audits?

At Blankenship CPA Group, PLLC, our CPAs who perform your audit are all highly experienced team members. You will not have to retain a new auditor every year with our firm. Our average historical turnover is generally less than 3%, and few in our industry have such statistics. 我们花了数年时间改进我们的流程,让您和您的员工免受过多的干扰, and we'll provide you with valuable feedback. Through our auditing services, 我们可以从整体上看待您的业务,并将我们的工作与您独特的业务功能结合起来, not just the financial processes.

Our audit team works with almost every industry, with particular expertise in banking, manufacturing, nonprofits, construction, service companies, and 401(k) employee benefit plan audits, to name a few. 通过专注于了解您的独特组织的细微差别,并获得您的行业及其相关风险的广泛知识, 我们可以高效、有效地将精力集中在您业务中风险最大的领域.

What Does a Financial Statement Audit Entail?

财务报表提供了对公司财务业绩的洞察. However, 拥有公司的个人并不管理公司,也无法确认财务报表的准确性. 财务报表审计为利益相关者和潜在投资者等个人提供了一种审查财务报表并确定其真实性的方法. 财务报表审计过程可分为五个步骤:

  1. Planning这一阶段包括贵公司与我公司之间的初步规划活动. 例如,我们将验证对需求的遵从性,并确定我们的程序的范围.
  2. Risk assessment我们的团队将利用多年的审计经验来评估可能导致财务报表出现重大错报的潜在风险.
  3. Audit strategy: Once our team has assessed potential risks, 我们将制定全面的审计策略和计划,以解决风险并帮助预防未来的风险. 我们经常使用的策略之一是创建一个测试系统,帮助在错误影响财务报表之前识别错误.
  4. Gathering evidence在收集证据时,我们将运用专业的怀疑和判断. 追踪你的财务报表到账簿和记录,检查你的内部控制,在收集证据方面都起着至关重要的作用.
  5. Finalization: Finally, 我们的团队将运用专业判断,形成我们在审计意见中总结的总体结论.

Leveraging State-of-the-Art Technology & Systems

The audit team at Blankenship CPA Group, PLLC has developed a highly efficient and integrated audit system. Over the last several years, 我们公司一直在努力简化我们的审计程序,通过实施一个完整的无纸化审计过程,这在很大程度上依赖于先进的审计技术和软件的使用.

Through our membership in Firm Foundation, we adopted AdvanceCPA tools, 由注册会计师开发和维护的系统,为公司提供最高水平的保证和效率. As part of our commitment to serving our clients best, 我们的团队成员在纳什维尔享受最高质量的培训和专业教育,具体到他们的实践领域, focusing on emerging auditing and accounting standards.

Audits FAQs

At Blankenship CPA Group, PLLC, 我们致力于为您提供所需的信息,帮助您做出自信的商业决策. That's why our team is here to answer any questions you may have. Some of the most frequently asked questions about audits include:

How much assurance does an audit provide?

An audit provides the highest level of assurance possible. 它给你保证,一个组织产生的财务报表是准确的,并符合公认会计准则, developed by an unbiased party and backed by external evidence.

We'll examine various financial statements, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements.

当涉及到了解贵公司的财务优势和劣势时, 外部审计为您提供了一个获得更清晰图景的有效途径. 对于依赖详细信息做出重要决策的股东和潜在投资者来说,这一点尤为重要.

Your Dependable Accounting Firm for Audits

At Blankenship CPA Group, PLLC, 我们有幸为各种规模的企业提供专业的财务报表审计服务. 我们还可以根据您需要的保证程度提供熟练的审查. 我们期待着与您会面,并为您减轻审计过程中的压力. Call us today for your free initial consultation!

Call: (615) 992-9222 Book a Consultation

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